Tuesday 28 June 2016


Moving Elements
I added this moving element to move the lecture theatre to the centre of the building as the gallery under the lecture theatre has a glass roof. Whenever the gallery needs sunlight for displaying, the lecture theatre will move and allow sunlight to pass through.
I used this as a moving element as i think that communication and appriciation between classmates is very important, whenever there is a presentation of submission, we can lower the walls between the studio and the workshop to let students appreciate other's work.

Lumion Image Capture

Rooms Layout
Ground Floor;
Yellow: Gallery
Cyan: Library
Lime: Academic Office
Pink: Meeting room for staff
Brown: Research space for staff
Grey: Administrative Office
 First Floor:
Purple: Studio
Blue: Workshop
Second Floor:
Red: Lecture Theatre
Third Floor:
Green: Computer Labs

 Forth Floor:
Yellow: Meeting room for students


36 Custom Textures

Two Perspectives Sketches

One Perspective Sketches

Mashup of 3 News Articles
It has become unusual to design architecture without computers.  Computational design aims to enhance that process by encoding design decisions using a computer language. Robert Woodbury, describes designers as “amateur programmers.” They do enough to accomplish the task at hand, but they don’t have the time or inclination to do it strategically. “If you go back far enough in time, an engineer and an architect were the same person,” Mac Namara says. As programming becomes more commonplace in architectural design, a few architecture firms have begun considering whether they should work more like software engineers. When they were asked to rank the most important criteria in hiring employees, surprisingly, design talent and skill didn’t make the top of the list. It was “the ability to collaborate.”Let’s face it, each project we work on is unique with its own challenges. There’s no one piece of software that can do everything we need it to. However, by creating our own tools, we can tailor our software to work for us. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

2 Perspectives

Red: Lecture Theatre

Yellow: Gallery
Cyan: Library
Green: Computer Labs

Purple: Studio
Orange: Meeting room for students
Blue: Workshops

Brown: Research space for staff
Grey: Administrative office
Pink: Meeting room for staff